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Fantastic idea! Any chance for a webcast? Or portions of the evening posted to YouTube? I'm in Alberta Canada and would love to take part in this!


This sounds amazing! What a beautiful night of worship that will be. I will be praying as God continues to orchestrate the details and that many lives will be touched. Wouldn't it be great for one of those details be to have it streamed online for those of us unable to attend?!? I'll be praying on that also. :O)

Heather and family, I will add you to my prayers as well.

Thanks for sharing with us Kristin. You are a blessing.


Oh yes a webcast would be great. I am in New Hampshire and cannot make it out to CO.

Lisa J

Will be joining you in spirit and prayer from Oklahoma!


I love this. I should be able to attend and would love to serve in any way possible.

Beth in Ft Collins.


how awesome! i wish i lived in Colorado...but will be praising from Minnesota that night with you anyway :)


Will be praising with you from Washington State (and praying for a webcast too).

Melanie from Puyallup, WA

Child of God

Oh I so wish I could attend!! I will join in whorship from my home. Any chance to put the worship up live??

Praying for you all.


This is Incredibly Exciting !!!!!! Will definitely be there !
I havent known Joanne for long but she definitely has had a profound effect on me and how I have grown in my faith ! and as a Mom !
Not sure if I would be able to help at all, but would definitely be willing and able to participate !
Will look forward to more details

Michelle from Australia

I'm in Australia. I would love to be there in person but alas distance will preclude that :( I would love to 'participate' if a webcast is possible.


Thanks for mentioning Heather, I was praying for her the other day and was wondering how she was doing. I remember Toben had asked us to pray for her awhile back. I live in NC so would love to be able to watch online. If not I will be praying that night with you!


Wonderful event, wish I could be there! I agree with Sue, any way we could get it online? That would be awesome! Have a blessed day, HUGS from Georgia!

yanna westmoreland

What a lovely idea, and certainly God is worthy of Praise! I will be singing and praising from Bryan, Tx.


Hi Kristen
That is an awesome idea and I would like to go I am in Albuquerque Nm I do not know how far the drive is or if I can find somebody that is driving from Albuquerque Nm I could get a ride with them or we could possibly fly down together so I am just putting this out if there any Beth LPM seista's that are going let me know if you are driving or flying and we can get together.
thank Kristen hope to meet u all soon
Carol Albuquerque NM

Jamie Muramoto

wish I could be there for the praise and worship but know that I will be praising our Mighty God that night here in Salt Lake City


I just heard the broadcast today on "Family Talk" and wanted to check in...what an excellent Idea ( the service you are having)and though I cannot attend I will be lifting both "girls" in prayer and thanking God for the blessing of a miraculous recovery for them. God is good and He wastes nothing, this will no doubt add depth and breadth to ministry for all involved. From reading I see Tobin has already been given deeper insights into the suffering of others...and that also gives opportunity to minister.I found that when I hurt, if I minister to others, God ministers to me as well. No doubt you are finding this truth too. These are the "momentary and light trials" Paul talks about...sometimes the master of understatement...yet with an eye on eternity they truly are. praying for all of you, much Love in Jesus :)


What a wonderful event this will be....a time of worshiping and praising God. I will be praising from Redlands, CA that evening!

Much love


What an awesome idea to get together as community and praise God for all the miracles we've seen Him fulfill in these past few weeks. I also would love the idea of a webcast since being in Texas I won't be able to be a part of this celebration at least physically. Praise God!

Beckey C.

What an awesome and amazing idea. I so wish I could attend this event, but I will have to be there in spirit. It's a little too far for me to make it from AZ right now. But sing your hearts out and worship our almighty Father, the ultimate healer of all.

Dave Bratcher

Absolutely wonderful post i really appreciate it and i wana read and increase my knowledge more

Volunteer Coordination

very nice site good looking your site thanks for sharing information i like this blog.

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