Here we go--all of Psalm 19 up close and in person. Well, sort of. Does video count? We're a little distracted, cooking dinner at the same time but you get the idea!
What are you learning this week? We're going to start working on a passage from John 15. So on the list today is getting verse cards done. (I've said it before, having our own verse cards--something small and pretty and colorful--makes learning a verse that much easier!)
Leave a link or join in the fun. (Yes, memorizing Scripture IS fun. Because I promise it comes back just when you need it. It will make a difference if you do it.) Click on the Memory Monday button in the sidebar to get the scoop.
I never did their hair today! Oops!
Posted by: Joanne (The Simple Wife) | January 11, 2010 at 06:56 PM
You guys ROCK!! Great job!! And saying it while cooking dinner is very impressive:)
Posted by: Tammy | January 11, 2010 at 09:03 PM
I'm working on Isaiah 52:13-53:12, with a goal to get it done by Passover. Last year, I memorized Romans 8, Psalm 37, and Psalm 139. I learned Psalm 19 a couple of years ago, but I confess that I haven't done much to keep it in my mind since then. It was so good to hear you and your girls recite it! :-)
Posted by: Karen | January 12, 2010 at 09:47 AM
I'm working on Luke 6:31,35,36. God being "kind to the ungrateful and wicked" has really stood out to me from these verses. God is telling me that I need to not be so upset when people are ungrateful to me...if He can be kind then I should too.
You are such an inspiration! Keep up the good work. You are reaching & touching more lives for eternity (and now) than you know.
Posted by: Gretchen | January 12, 2010 at 12:42 PM
here the new adventure for me! great video!
Posted by: Caroline Perez | January 12, 2010 at 06:00 PM
Glad you're doing John 15 next. What a blessing that will be to you!
Here's my verses from Romans 14:
Posted by: Lisa notes... | January 12, 2010 at 09:02 PM
You girls are all so sweet. That was lovely!
I love that Emma had an eye on dinner. So sweet!
Posted by: annie | January 13, 2010 at 02:29 PM
Thank you! This is really encouraging and I love that you and your girls are doing it together! I love listening to my Bible when my eyes get tired but then I get to a point when I have to have my Bible and read it myself and highlight and make notes because I know God is speaking right there to me through his living Word! How awesome.
Posted by: Gilda | January 14, 2010 at 10:31 PM
Well done ladies !
Posted by: Holly | March 07, 2010 at 07:56 AM