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A lot of times I don't want to HEAR what He has to say! He has been extremely convicting over the last few months. The fact that I am working through Jesus, 90 Days with the One and Only and it is the Advent season is no coincidence. All of my focus is on Him and what He has to say to me. Why do I always have to add, "He didn't speak to me audibly" when I tell someone that, "God told me" this or that? I'm going to stop doing that. He spoke to me. Period. It doesn't matter that I heard Him with my heart and not my ears.

I'm thankful that you are jumping into/staying in His word and listening for and to His voice. Shutting out the voice of the evil one...that's the only way to do it.

Been praying for you and thinking about you all day long.

Love and blessings, dear friend.

Dawn W

Amen and amen!


Hmmm, I think that I needed that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Amen Joanne! He speaks to us as He breathes life into us also. He has spoken to me over and over through many scriptures, in particular, my life verses--Jeremiah 29:11-14.

Have a great Lord's Day!


thank you for this and the prayers.

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