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Joanne, I am so sorry that our paths didn't cross at the Fiesta! It was such an amazing time! It looks like you had a blast!


Marla Taviano

How FUN!!! What a great way to display your pics! Can't wait to hear all about it!!


What fun pics...I love how they are presented.


It was so nice to meet you. I wish I'd had my picture taken with you. I also like how you put up your pics. You are one very talented woman!
Engrafted by His Grace-


It was so nice to hug your neck meet in person Joanne. It was a great weekend. I promise to bring along some tatting the next time we meet. Actually - I don't know how much more I'll do. It's pretty, but I don't know what to do with it!!
I think it's back to knitting and the other needlework I love to do!

Tammy - GratefulinGA

What a beautiful way to share your photo diary!

Remember...anytime you make it to Georgia, give me a call we'll kick up our heels again!

Love ya Girl!


I miss y'all! I really do. We are all truly sisters in Christ and you each have a dear place in my heart!!!

Maybe a siesta fiesta in CO would be cool!
Love ya Joanne!!


Soooo fun! Fiesta, indeed. :)

Alana@A Kiss, A Hug, and A Squeeze

Hi Joanne! Thanks so much for your recent comments. Did you buy the sweater dress? I must know ;-) Also, thanks for your comment on my husband's artwork. One of the things I love about art is that everyone interprets something different from it.

It looks like you had tons of fun in SA with some great bloggy friends. I think it is super cool that the siestas got special seating!


I saw you in the distance on Friday night and thought,...I'll just wait and say hi to her tomorrow. Never saw you again! I'm bummed about that. I was looking forward to meeting you. Next time...
It was such a fabulous weekend. I can't wait to do it again.

Lisa @ The PW

I'm still rollin' you put the gangsta shot in your pics. My son told me yesterday, "Mom, you can never make that face again.." LOLOL


Ohhhhhh it looks so FUN! I'm glad you had such a great time. Did you feel like you'd known all the girls forever? That's how I imagined it.

*sigh* I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. Next time!! :)

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