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Thanks for this post. Exactly what I feel like the Lord is speaking to me about. I just read the book of James again the other night...I agree...he makes me squirm in my seat. Love what you had to say about modeling the "quick, slow, slow" for your children. I'm going to be thinking about that as I go through my day today.

Jen at I should be cleaning...

I am right there with you!


I'm going to study this a little further. I don't know that I'm having trouble with "being slow..." because it's summer or I'm just impatient. Thanks for giving me what I need.


This was a post that I very much needed to read. How often do I expect better bahavior from my son than I actually practice myself? Too often I'm afraid. Thanks for the reminder. I think I need to memorize that verse...


I loved this post Joanne. I think that is one of the major themes the Lord continues to speak to my heart. I'm a bit of a slow learner - so we seem to have to go over things repeatedly! Thank you for this sweet reminder.

miss chris

quick, slow, slow... I need to remember this as well... xoxo

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