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Holly Smith

Simply lovely! Glad you made it home and are clean. You all have been on my heart this weekend.


So glad I found your blog. I have wanted to create a magazine on simple living and now and using the blog as an outlet for all that info in my head. I hope you'll come by and add any details you have. I love learning from other people and hopefully people will get an idea or too from me.
Debbie aka The Real World Martha


I Love, Love, Love this quilt! Where in the world do you find the time to do everything you do????!!!
Glad you are home, clean and warm. Missed you!
Love, Susan


Beautiful quilt! Love the colors you used.

Sarah Canfield

And, I love my quilt - it was very cozy on Friday night as we were enjoying a movie at home :) Many thanks to Joanne and Emily and all their hard work.


That is just a perfect most heart felt gift!! I love it!! I can't wait to hear about the weekend. I thought of y'all many times. I'm glad you are safe and sound.


What a gorgeous quilt! What a fun project to work on with a friend, and what a special gift to GIVE a friend.


wow ! what a gift ! félicitations to you & Emily

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