Since some of you asked, here's the skinny on charm bracelets...
I counted and I have 63 charms on my bracelet. And though Toben thinks I should start a new one, I think there's plenty of room for more charms! I love having it full and jingly. And, no, it's really not too heavy!
Here's a picture:
A great place to get charms, braclets, and charm bracelet info is My Charmed Life. Rings n Things also has a good selection of charms at a great price. James Avery also sells silver charms. (Sometimes you can find charms at Hobby Lobby or Michaels--but they're usually made of pewter, and sterling silver is really best.)
If you're buying a bracelet for a little girl, go ahead and get a bracelet that will fit her as an adult. Mine has a lobster clasp on it, so when I was small, I just attached the clasp to one of the loops rather than the end clasp to make it small enough to fit my wrist.
Charms can be soldered onto the bracelet--which usually costs about $10 a charm. Not cheap. So now I use split rings to put mine on. I bought a bag of 100 from Rings n Things for about $10. A much better deal. Of course, it's up to you. My mom still likes to solder all of hers onto her bracelet because it is stronger.
To find charms when you're traveling, you often have to go to really tacky, really fun touristy kinds of shops. These charms often have a little flag attached to them, telling you where the charm came from. But for bigger monuments like the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, you can search the charm websites.
There are also charms for every hobby imaginable, as well as blank charms that you can have engraved. I have two little girl heads on my charm bracelet with Audrey and Emma's name on them and the dates they were born.
Any other questions about charm bracelets? Ask away!
Your charm bracelet is beautiful. Mine only has about 5 or 6 charms. It looks rather sparse in comparsion. Thank you for the links -- I'll need to do some shopping. Have you seen the pandora charm bracelets? They are really pretty.
Posted by: Lisa R=P | August 29, 2007 at 04:41 PM
I have my mom's charm bracelet from when she was a teenager! Isn't that fun? I've never bought one for myself, but what a fun gift idea that would be. And such a fun thing to start for my daughter's. are full of great ideas, Joanne!
I love your bracelet. And oh, I LOVE James Avery. I was so excited when the Park Meadows store opened.
Posted by: Meredith | August 29, 2007 at 07:50 PM
We sell charms Gold and silver And also have alot of james avey
Posted by: Amalia | October 18, 2008 at 07:39 PM
Great looking Bracelet!!!!
Here is a great place to add more!!
Posted by: Molly | October 18, 2008 at 07:42 PM
Hey, I was searching for charm bracelet stories and photos online and found your blog.
That's just about the coolest charm bracelet I've ever seen. It's so packed that it looks more like a bangle bracelet!
Does it get annoying to wear it all the time with it jingling? Have you ever had any charms fall off? I'm afraid of wearing my old (well, childhood bracelets) because one (or the whole thing) could fall off or get damaged. Is it like a maze to look through and try to find what you're looking for? I've always had bracelets that are really sparse-- I guess it's because when I was a kid, when my 1st bracelet "filled up" with maybe 8 charms, my parents got a second one. The charms on both bracelets are spaced out about half an inch or more, and I've done that ever since. Are there any downsides to them being so close together-- do they scratch more? I really love the idea of wearing a lifetime of memories on your wrist all at once!
Posted by: OkieGal | December 20, 2008 at 11:40 PM
Love your charm bracelet!
Posted by: Lil Miss Red T-Shirt | December 01, 2011 at 01:48 PM
does james avery put charms on your charm bracelet even if they are not from james avery ?
Posted by: elysia | April 08, 2014 at 03:59 PM
Yes. Most of my charms areNOT James Avery.
Sent from my iPhone
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