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Brenda Corsi

Hi Joanne,
so sorry to hear you were all so sick. I was a bit worried after Audrey was here the evening before she got sick, but no one here, or any of our other visitors came down with anything. I think this was a "Colorado" bug. Glad you're on a 7 day cruise and able to enjoy the remaining part of it. We'll pray for a full and speedy recovery. No doubt Princess cruise didn't want to be on the news with a whole ship of sick people. Sickness spreads quick on cruise ships.


So sorry to read about your illness. I think my toddler and I just got through the same thing you and your girls had. Oh, the sickness. Hang in there. I hope you get to enjoy some of the cruise.

I enjoy reading your journal. Merry Christmas.

Marla Taviano

That is one of the worst things I've ever heard. You poor dears! Good to know you're skinny though. Looking forward to hearing some happy news from aboard the U.S.S. Ralph. :)


I have been following your blog for a while now, I have commented a few times over the months. But this entry definitely requires comment. I am so sorry you and your kids have been ill. I will pray for a speedy recovery for you three and also that Toben doesn't get struck with the bug. I hope you are able to enjoy some of your cruise.
God Bless!


So sorry to hear that you and the girls have been sick... especially when you have been looking forward to such a special family vacation! I'm praying that everyone is feeling better quickly. Merry Christmas!

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