Tomorrow is my birthday. And the beginning of this blog thing. I've tried blogging before, but it didn't really stick. About a year ago, some friends and I decided to create a blog together to keep in touch with each other's knitting projects at It was fun to see pictures of completed or in-progress projects, but we talk on the phone often enough, so we didn't really have all that much to blog about.
Anyway, I miss keeping a journal, something I did faithfully all through junior high, high school, and into college. I even had a diary with a lock for a while, and kept the key pinned inside my school uniform for safekeeping. I guess I was afraid someone might find out how desperately in love I was with Michael J. Fox. I guess the posters papering my bedroom walls weren't enough of a clue... I found those diaries a while ago and in a whirlwind of cleaning and sorting and de-cluttering, I threw them out. I guess I was still afraid someone might read them. But it makes me a little bit sad to know they are really and truly gone and not just hidden in a box filled with childhood treasures.
So here I am, turning 34 tomorrow and excited for a new season in my life. In a way, this is a little birthday present to myself (in addition to all the fun and funky costume jewelry I bought for myself the other day at Detour in downtown Encinitas). Most of the writing I do these days is for work, with occasional letters to my daughters, email to friends, and an actual handwritten card here and there.
I think this will be fun.
I've recently begun collecting vintage postcards, and have found some birthday ones that are scattered around my living room, standing up in old flower frogs. I've been making more of an effort to decorate for each season--I love it, my girls love it, and so we need to just do it. Since we're not Irish and Easter isn't until the end of April this year, I've decided that the decorating theme for March this year is my birthday. Here are some of the cards I've found.
Aren't they fun? I have some for Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, and Easter too. I think my favorites are new baby cards. The best part is that they all have beautiful, old, scripty writing on the back and they make me wonder about the people who sent and received them. Isn't it wonderful that some people never threw things away and we can come across them one day in a box in an antique store and find such joy in a little treasure?
I've got to go to sleep now. My parents will call while it's still dark to sing "Happy Birthday" to me tomorrow morning. My sister will call later. Now that she has a baby, she's more into sleep than being the first one to call!